
English Vocabulary for Everyday Use in El Salvador

By EZclassTuesday, June 13 2023

English is a very important language nowadays, so it is useful to know some English words and phrases for everyday use in El Salvador. Here is a list of useful vocabulary:




Greetings and farewells:

Hello - Hola

Good morning - Buenos días

Good afternoon - Buenas tardes

Good evening - Buenas noches

Bye - Adiós

See you later - Hasta luego


Food and beverage:

Breakfast - Desayuno

Lunch - Almuerzo

Dinner - Cena

Water - Agua

Coffee - Café

Tea - Té

Juice - Jugo

Beer - Cerveza

Wine - Vino

Meat - Carne

Chicken - Pollo

Fish - Pescado

Rice - Arroz

Beans - Frijoles

Tortilla - Tortilla



Car - Carro

Bus - Autobús

Taxi - Taxi

Airport - Aeropuerto

Train - Tren

Ticket - Boleto

Street - Calle

Highway - Carretera



Store - Tienda

Supermarket - Supermercado

Clothes - Ropa

Shoes - Zapatos

Bag - Bolsa

Wallet - Billetera

Money - Dinero



Thank you - Gracias

Please - Por favor

Sorry - Lo siento

Help - Ayuda

Bathroom - Baño

Hospital - Hospital

Police - Policía

Phone - Teléfono

Internet - Internet

We hope this list of English vocabulary will be useful for those who wish to improve their language skills. Remember that constant practice is the key to success in learning any language.